Eindhoven University of Technology (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)

Fast Facts and Figures about the University
(Eindhoven, Netherlands)

Here are some useful facts and figures about the University of Eindhoven.

  • Eindhoven University Established / Founded: 1956
  • Locations and Campus: Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • Number of Colleges at Eindhoven University: 9 - Biomedical Engineering, Architecture, Building, and Planning, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Design, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Technology Management, Applied Physics, Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Enrollment: around 6,900
  • Number of Staff at Eindhoven University: around 250
  • Attractions Nearby: De Collse Water Mill, Swimming Paradise, Van Abbe museum, City Park and De Steenarend

Eindhoven University

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